Climate change is adding to various social issues that already exist in the Nepalese society, such as child marriage. Felm Nepal works together with its partner organization SAHAS Nepal to improve families’ livelihoods and fight against child marriages.
In October 2024, Lotta Gammelin, the Country Director of Felm Nepal, traveled to Jajarkot in western Nepal, where Felm promotes the climate resilience and food security of communities in its development cooperation together with its local partner organization SAHAS Nepal.
More than 80 percent of the population in Nepal earns its income from agriculture. However, climate change has an increasing impact on crops and people’s livelihoods. Nowadays, there is often either too much or too little rain, and it is difficult to predict when the rains will come. Many farming families are in a situation where they only have enough food for a few months per year.
“Our project has taught the local communities climate-resilient farming methods. Families’ crops have increased, and new varieties have diversified their diets. It was a joy to see flourishing kitchen gardens and women who are proud of their work,” describes Gammelin.
Climate change is also adding to various social issues that already exist in the society. Child marriage is a practice that Felm Nepal and other organizations have been working against for decades. When a family’s income is low, there is a temptation to marry off a minor daughter for the other family to feed her. The dowry, which is traditionally paid by the bride’s family, is often lower the younger the daughter is. The Nepalese laws prohibit child marriage, but the reality in remote areas is still different.
SAHAS Nepal also educates communities about girls’ rights. In the development cooperation project, SAHAS Nepal has established girls’ groups where they learn about human rights, menstruation, self-defense, hygiene, climate change, and the importance of schooling.
“Meeting these girls was a highlight of this autumn for me. Rural girls are often quiet and shy, but these activist girls from Jajarkot were full of joy and courage. They proudly and enthusiastically reported what the group’s work had achieved: they had prevented six child marriages in this area alone.”
The girls had spoken to the adults together that child marriage as a practice is not right, that girls belong in school and not in married.
“In some cases, discussion and persuasion were enough, in other cases, the wedding preparations were already well under way and the resourceful girls called the police. Their solidarity and joy remained in my heart after the trip,” says Gammelin.
*** This work is done with the financial aid of Finnish development cooperation. ***
Text: Mimosa Hedberg